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BONNEL is inventing, developing and manufacturing

electronic and mechatronic devices

IFAT 2024

Ve dnech 13. – 17.05.2024 se naše společnost zúčastnila předního světového veletrhu vodohospodářství, odpadních vod, odpadů a surovin IFAT 2024 v Mnichově.
Spolu s námi na rekordních 300.000 m² vystavovalo dalších 3.210 firem z 61 zemí světa.
Měli jsme možnost seznámit se jak s novými zájemci o naše řídící jednotky, tak přivítat na stánku 515 v hale A3 naše stávající partnery.
Děkujeme Ministerstvu průmyslu a obchodu České republiky za podporu prodeje výrobků společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE zejména na evropských trzích.
Cílem tohoto projektu je účast společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o. na veletrhu IFAT 2024, v rámci propagace řídicích jednotek a telemetrie pro decentralizované čistírny odpadních vod, čerpací stanice a zařízení na sběr dešťové vody.


Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání a inovace
pro konkrenceschopnost



reg. číslo CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_261/0019998
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Projekt je zaměřen na produktovou inovaci v podobě zavedení sériové výroby IoT platformy řídící
jednotky pro malé ČOV, která je výsledkem vlastní vývojové činnosti společnosti. V projektu bude
rovněž realizována procesní inovace, které bude dosaženo pořízením výrobních technologií
a technologií pro podporu výroby inovovanáho produktu. Projekt řeší problematiku efektivního
nakládání s vodou a je v souladu s iniciativou "Průmyslu 4.0".

FVE Dotace

FVE s akumulací ve společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je pořízení fotovoltaické elektrárny o instalovaném výkonu 54 kWp a bateriovým úložištěm s minimální kapacitou 54 kWh. Projekt tak zajistí společnosti částečnou soběstačnost na elektrické energii, čímž bude dosaženo provozních úspor jejího hospodaření. Projekt posune společnost směrem k naplnění environmentálních cílů ČR i EU.

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Loga, členství, IFAT, Firma roku






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We now have a new modern line in operation.
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Best of water treatment
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With technical education you have much better opportunities!

Voucher 2
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V roce 2021 získala naše firma od Karlovarského kraje dotaci na zavedení vlastní výrobní technologie vstřikování plastů v celkové výši 170.000 CZK.

In 2021, our company received a regional innovation grant for realization of own production of plastic injection parts in the amount of 170,000 CZK.

Im Jahr 2021 erhielt unsere Firma eine regionale Innovations-Förderung für die Einführung von eigener Fertigung von Kunststoffspritzteilen in Höhe von 170.000 CZK.

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Our motto is


For nearly 30 years, BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE has been designing, developing, testing and manufacturing electronic and electro-mechanic components and devices for global customers in two main segments: 

• control units and systems for sewage treatment plants and accessories
• locking technologies for doors and windows.

BONNEL products comply with the corporate strategy of ""smart home"" and are professionally developed and manufactured in the Cheb plant, Czech Republic.

BONNEL, an ISO 9001 certified, 60 employees company, provides innovative products and professional consultancy tailor-made for its customers in the B2B and B2C sectors. Regularly, the company takes part in world leading fairs and exhibitions, such as the IFAT Fair in Munich, Germany.
International BONNEL team can offer their expertise in the programming of firmware, embedded and PC software as well as in advanced technologies used in the production (SMT, THT, production and assembly of mechatronic products…). The company prides in flexible and customized solutions for its clients.

BONNEL, a family owned and managed enterprise, has been an integral part of the local community in Cheb. In its CRM strategy, the company has become a partner of significant local, regional and national events, such as the FIJO Festival. BONNEL proudly co-operates with local high schools and technical universities in the Czech Republic and Germany with the aim to educate the future generation of electrical engineers and specialists.


Control unit for pump stations with a maximal current consumption of 12A per pump at 230V or 400V (1- and 3-phase operation)

PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard solo
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  • Compact & modular design (battery and input module)
  • Digital 3-phase current monitoring
  • Thermal protection inputs
  • Operating hours counter
  • Alarm outputs (pot. free & 230VAC)
  • Level measurement inputs compatible with common Zener barriers

  • Outstanding price-performance ratio
  • Level detection by Diver’s bell / pressure
  • Pressure measurement with air-bubble introduction and blower monitoring
  • Float switch
  • Level probe / analogue input 4-20mA
  • Single and duplex pump version
  • Up to 72h mains failure alarm with 4xAA rechargeable battery module and BonFlash alarm lamp.
  • Durable LED display for working-life far more then 10 years
  • All settings can be done comfortable in the menu
  • ATEX mode

The PumpGuard is designed as a compact control unit with the features of a “big” pump controller for the price of a small one. Therefore, a lot of handy features, that are normally not available at this price range, have been integrated.

Level measurement possibilities

As standard option, level measurement is performed by diver’s bell / pressure sensing. This is a very efficient and reliable way to detect the preset switching levels. This measurement can be combined with one alarm float switch. A second option is, to use float switches. Two float switches for the single-pump operation can be connected in the standard package, a third float switch can be added using the input module. Another possibility is, to use an analogue pressure probe (4-20mA). The probe can be connected to the additional input module.

Pump monitoring options

The pump current consumption is evaluated digitally on all three phases according to applicable standards. Moreover, the reversible temperature sensor and he irreversible temperature sensor are monitored. As a third security level, the maximal pump runtime can be checked.

Special pump behavior settings

To enhance functionality and comfort, the following functions have been added:

  • Startup timeout: Delay after mains recovery
  • Overcurrent retry delay: Time in minutes for a retry of the pump after detecting overcurrent
  • Overtravel duration: A time in seconds can be set to run a pump after detecting the Off-level
  • Forced pumping: Each X days the pumps are started for 3s to destroy possible fat crusts
  • Forced operation timeout: To prevent smelling, pump to Off-level each X hours
  • Single pump operation: Restrict to max. one pump, even at high level

ATEX mode

One way to reach ATEX conformity is, to connect a mini-blower to the diver’s bell measurement. The PumpGuard is capable of a minimal pressure monitoring to reach the required security level for this air-bubble introduction measurement.
The digital inputs for the float switches are compatible with common Zener barriers, which limit the max. energy to ensure ATEX compatibility.
Also, the analogue input can be combined with common Zener barriers.

Mains failure signaling

The PumpGuard can be equipped with a cost-effective rechargeable battery module containing four AA rechargeable batteries. Together with BONNEL’s low energy LED alarm beacon BonFlash, the PumpGuard can signalize mains failures of more then 72h.

See PDF Flyer (EN)

PDF Flyer (EN)

Please use our Contact form to order your PumpGuard solo.


Detail page PUMPGUARD SOLO for 1 pump
Detail page PUMPGUARD DUO for 2 pumps

PumpGuard solo
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PumpGuard duo
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  Control unit for Pump Stations with up to 2 pumps and a maximal current consumption of 12A per pump at 230V or 400V (1- and 3-phase operation). The gallery is an overview of products, by clicking on on the links above or below or on the picture you can get further into the relevant area.

Detail page PUMPGUARD SOLO for 1 pump
Detail page PUMPGUARD DUO for 2 pumps

Please use our Contact form to order your control unit for pump stations.


Control unit for pump stations with a maximal current consumption of 12A per pump at 230V or 400V (1- and 3-phase operation)

PumpGuard duo
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PumpGuard duo
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PumpGuard duo
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PumpGuard duo
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PumpGuard duo
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PumpGuard duo
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PumpGuard duo
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PumpGuard duo
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  • Compact & modular design (battery and input module)
  • Digital 3-phase current monitoring
  • Thermal protection inputs
  • Operating hours counter
  • Alarm outputs (pot. free & 230VAC)
  • Level measurement inputs compatible with common Zener barriers

  • Outstanding price-performance ratio
  • Level detection by Diver’s bell / pressure
  • Pressure measurement with air-bubble introduction and blower monitoring
  • Float switch
  • Level probe / analogue input 4-20mA
  • Single and duplex pump version
  • Up to 72h mains failure alarm with 4xAA rechargeable battery module and BonFlash alarm lamp.
  • Durable LED display for working-life far more then 10 years
  • All settings can be done comfortable in the menu
  • ATEX mode

The PumpGuard is designed as a compact control unit with the features of a “big” pump controller for the price of a small one. Therefore, a lot of handy features, that are normally not available at this price range, have been integrated.

Level measurement possibilities

As standard option, level measurement is performed by diver’s bell / pressure sensing. This is a very efficient and reliable way to detect the preset switching levels. This measurement can be combined with one alarm float switch. A second option is, to use float switches. Two float switches for the single-pump operation can be connected in the standard package, a third float switch can be added using the input module. Another possibility is, to use an analogue pressure probe (4-20mA). The probe can be connected to the additional input module.

Pump monitoring options

The pump current consumption is evaluated digitally on all three phases according to applicable standards. Moreover, the reversible temperature sensor and he irreversible temperature sensor are monitored. As a third security level, the maximal pump runtime can be checked.

Special pump behavior settings

To enhance functionality and comfort, the following functions have been added:

  • Startup timeout: Delay after mains recovery
  • Overcurrent retry delay: Time in minutes for a retry of the pump after detecting overcurrent
  • Overtravel duration: A time in seconds can be set to run a pump after detecting the Off-level
  • Forced pumping: Each X days the pumps are started for 3s to destroy possible fat crusts
  • Forced operation timeout: To prevent smelling, pump to Off-level each X hours
  • Single pump operation: Restrict to max. one pump, even at high level

ATEX mode

One way to reach ATEX conformity is, to connect a mini-blower to the diver’s bell measurement. The PumpGuard is capable of a minimal pressure monitoring to reach the required security level for this air-bubble introduction measurement.
The digital inputs for the float switches are compatible with common Zener barriers, which limit the max. energy to ensure ATEX compatibility.
Also, the analogue input can be combined with common Zener barriers.

Mains failure signaling

The PumpGuard can be equipped with a cost-effective rechargeable battery module containing four AA rechargeable batteries. Together with BONNEL’s low energy LED alarm beacon BonFlash, the PumpGuard can signalize mains failures of more then 72h.

See PDF Flyer (EN)

PDF Flyer (EN)

Please use our Contact form to order your PumpGuard duo.