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BONNEL is inventing, developing and manufacturing

electronic and mechatronic devices

IFAT 2024

Ve dnech 13. – 17.05.2024 se naše společnost zúčastnila předního světového veletrhu vodohospodářství, odpadních vod, odpadů a surovin IFAT 2024 v Mnichově.
Spolu s námi na rekordních 300.000 m² vystavovalo dalších 3.210 firem z 61 zemí světa.
Měli jsme možnost seznámit se jak s novými zájemci o naše řídící jednotky, tak přivítat na stánku 515 v hale A3 naše stávající partnery.
Děkujeme Ministerstvu průmyslu a obchodu České republiky za podporu prodeje výrobků společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE zejména na evropských trzích.
Cílem tohoto projektu je účast společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE s.r.o. na veletrhu IFAT 2024, v rámci propagace řídicích jednotek a telemetrie pro decentralizované čistírny odpadních vod, čerpací stanice a zařízení na sběr dešťové vody.


Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání a inovace
pro konkrenceschopnost



reg. číslo CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_261/0019998
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Projekt je zaměřen na produktovou inovaci v podobě zavedení sériové výroby IoT platformy řídící
jednotky pro malé ČOV, která je výsledkem vlastní vývojové činnosti společnosti. V projektu bude
rovněž realizována procesní inovace, které bude dosaženo pořízením výrobních technologií
a technologií pro podporu výroby inovovanáho produktu. Projekt řeší problematiku efektivního
nakládání s vodou a je v souladu s iniciativou "Průmyslu 4.0".

FVE Dotace

FVE s akumulací ve společnosti BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je pořízení fotovoltaické elektrárny o instalovaném výkonu 54 kWp a bateriovým úložištěm s minimální kapacitou 54 kWh. Projekt tak zajistí společnosti částečnou soběstačnost na elektrické energii, čímž bude dosaženo provozních úspor jejího hospodaření. Projekt posune společnost směrem k naplnění environmentálních cílů ČR i EU.

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Loga, členství, IFAT, Firma roku






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We now have a new modern line in operation.
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Best of water treatment
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With technical education you have much better opportunities!

Voucher 2
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V roce 2021 získala naše firma od Karlovarského kraje dotaci na zavedení vlastní výrobní technologie vstřikování plastů v celkové výši 170.000 CZK.

In 2021, our company received a regional innovation grant for realization of own production of plastic injection parts in the amount of 170,000 CZK.

Im Jahr 2021 erhielt unsere Firma eine regionale Innovations-Förderung für die Einführung von eigener Fertigung von Kunststoffspritzteilen in Höhe von 170.000 CZK.

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Our motto is


For nearly 30 years, BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE has been designing, developing, testing and manufacturing electronic and electro-mechanic components and devices for global customers in two main segments: 

• control units and systems for sewage treatment plants and accessories
• locking technologies for doors and windows.

BONNEL products comply with the corporate strategy of ""smart home"" and are professionally developed and manufactured in the Cheb plant, Czech Republic.

BONNEL, an ISO 9001 certified, 60 employees company, provides innovative products and professional consultancy tailor-made for its customers in the B2B and B2C sectors. Regularly, the company takes part in world leading fairs and exhibitions, such as the IFAT Fair in Munich, Germany.
International BONNEL team can offer their expertise in the programming of firmware, embedded and PC software as well as in advanced technologies used in the production (SMT, THT, production and assembly of mechatronic products…). The company prides in flexible and customized solutions for its clients.

BONNEL, a family owned and managed enterprise, has been an integral part of the local community in Cheb. In its CRM strategy, the company has become a partner of significant local, regional and national events, such as the FIJO Festival. BONNEL proudly co-operates with local high schools and technical universities in the Czech Republic and Germany with the aim to educate the future generation of electrical engineers and specialists.


This product is no longer available. It is presented only as a reference development project completed 10 years ago.

BonRoll - drive control for wheelchairs

Control of two main motors, one motor for steering and up to six auxiliary motors

Due to its easy and intuitive operation our drive control system BonRoll is suitable for all electric wheelchairs with DC motor (front or rear wheel drive). 

At BONNEL TECHNOLOGIE, we attempt to meet customer´s requirements and specific needs. We apply flexibly our key design, development and production competences in serial production as well as in unique projects, such as BonRoll, a drive control for wheelchairs. In the gallery you can see a sample wheelchair equipped with our drive control system. The described drive control has been developed for this concrete wheelchair, but the customization for any other wheelchair can be provided.   

A special feature of the BonRoll are the two different operating modes "street" and "home", depending on the wheelchair type. In the "street" mode you can steer the wheelchair using two wheels (like a car). The "home" mode allows directing the wheelchair without pivoted wheels by changing the rotation speed of the powered wheels (like a tank). That way, it is even possible to turn on its own axis by rotating the opposed wheels in different directions. 

Both modes can also be used at one wheelchair. 

Furthermore BonRoll offers numerous additional options: Up to six servo motors can be controlled to perform different step less adjustments (i.e. position of the seat, the backrest, the footrest...). Also the lights and the turn signal can be activated in a comfortable way.

A special interface permits the use of optional features as an alternative wheelchair steering by sucking and blowing or a remote control for other devices (i.e. TV) using the joystick of the wheelchair. 

The individual characteristics of the drive control unit and the regulation of the particular servo motors can be adjusted easily with special PC software. These include parameters like the acceleration and braking behavior and the cornering ability. Moreover, multiple servo motors can be linked and used simultaneously, so that the preprogrammed seating position is reached faster. A battery charge indicator informes about the battery level. 

The three main components of the drive control system BonRoll are the control panel, the joystick unit and the main control unit. Panel and joystick are mechanically connected by an aluminum hinge but can be also installed separatly. 

The data communication between the system components is carried out via CAN-Bus, as used very often in automobile industry. A permanent reciprocal monitoring of the system components ensures that the breakdown or partial damage of one element leads to an immediate and safe disconnection of the whole drive control. 

Suitable for electric wheelchairs with DC motors (front or rear wheel drive)

  • Home / Street - mode: Two completely different steering concepts integrated in one drive control
  • Regulation of two drive motors and up to six servo motors
  • Function and characteristics of the drive and servo motors can be individually adjusted via PC software
  • Automatic identification of the extreme positions of the servo motors
  • Pro-active power output control on the basis of electric and thermal data to prevent damage on motors and main unit ('intelligent boost') 
  • Five velocity ranges for the joystick extreme positions (continuously adjustable)
  • Arbitrary assignment and customization of the control panel buttons
  • Control panel features accessible via external switches
  • Active battery level indicator
  • Auto-Stop-Function with interlock on the wheels to avoid inadvertend rolling
  • Capability of connecting and controlling a SiCare-IR-remote-control using the joystick

Main unit

control unit

Main control unit and power electronics for wheelchairs

At the main unit, the signals from the joystick and the control panel are received via CAN-Bus and transformed into correspondant commands for the particular motors. A control loop is checking the power consumption and the temperature of the electric drive unit, and prevents thereby damage through overcharge. The motor end stage is checked at every start-up of the wheelchair, to ensure the right function of the control unit and the installation of the drive motors.

Joystick with control panel



Joystick and control panel can also be installed separately

The panel and the joystick are mechanically connected by an aluminum hinge.  

A display and LEDs provides information about the active operating mode. Furthermore the display shows a trip odometer, the current speed or the velocity mode (velocity range at the joystick).

A chain of six LEDs informs about the battery charge level.

The joystick lever serves mainly as steering control for the wheelchair. Depending on the forward or backward motion of the joystick the wheelchair will accelerate in forward or rear direction. If the joystick is additionally moved to the right or to the left, cornering in the corresponding direction will be realized.

Moreover the joystick is used to select the appropriate velocity mode (velocity range at the joystick) and to control the servo motors for the seat and the foot rest. 

On the bottom side of the joystick-casing are three connector sockets with mechanical interlock. The middle socket is used to connect the control panel, the right socket is for the main unit and the left socket is the PC-interface.

The joystick mounting is done via four drills with internal screw threads (M4x10). It can be fixed i.e. at the framework of the wheelchair. 

Please use our Contact form to order your BonRoll.

Read more about our other products and services HERE.


Our products drive motors from the current 100 mA to 100 A

We are developing applications for driving electromotors. In our portfolio can be found products, which drive motors with current 100mA and also motors with current 100A.

All these products were developed bespoke for our customers.